Ordering from the web
How to order
At the moment we are not accepting credit card information via this web (however we do accept PayPal).
Please just email the office below and we can let you know if there is stock available.
There is a printable order form which can be completed and posted to our Hong Kong office.
Mail order can be supplied by the following branches.
Far East and Australia - Head Office
Frontline Figures
14th Floor, Unit A, Derrick Industrial Building
49-51 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 28380263
Email: gerard@netvigator.com
Frontline Figures UK
Mail order:
1 Holmsdale Close
Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, SS0 0QW
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1702 352060
Email: information@NO-SPAMfrontline-figures.com.
Mail order can be supplied by your nearest branch.
If you have any problems please contact
The Web Master.